ERVIN 100 YEARS ANNIVERSARY – WE ARE PLANNING THE NEXT 100 YEARS! Interview with Managing Director

20 Abr ERVIN 100 YEARS ANNIVERSARY – WE ARE PLANNING THE NEXT 100 YEARS! Interview with Managing Director

As 2020 and our 100th anniversary celebrations draw to a close, we asked our Managing Director, Dr. Wolfgang Assmann for his reflections on this year and what we can expect in 2021 and beyond.

“2020 has certainly been a year to remember, but not in the way we had expected!” commented Dr. Assmann. “In 100 years, Ervin have faced and overcome many challenges, and Covid-19 will go down in our history as one of the most significant. Like many of our customers, we have been severely tested, but we have survived as an independent, family owned company ready to enter our second century.”

“In 2021, as the world’s economies recover, we will learn our own lessons from the pandemic, and continue to innovate and evolve just as we have done for the last 100 years. Our focus will be our customers; understanding their business challenges and opportunities and how we can help them move forward.”

“We will be working with customers to find new ways to utilise digital technology to simplify and speed up ordering and supply of our products. Our manufacturing operations will also receive significant investment to help us continue our programme of product development and build on our position as ‘The World Standard for Quality’.”

“It is widely accepted that the rate of change continues to accelerate and while the world of abrasives in 2020 looks very different to 1920 when Ervin was established, we know that the next decade will see further profound change. Opportunities will emerge to use existing products in new applications and develop new products. We will also be challenging ourselves to adapt wider technological initiatives into the world of steel and stainless steel abrasives. For example, can we create an artificially intelligent abrasive particle?”

“We move into 2021 and the second century of Ervin full of optimism and a renewed passion to follow in the footsteps of our founder John F. Ervin and his unquenchable desire to do things the best possible way. We look forward to sharing our exciting journey with our customers, suppliers and all the great people who work in our Ervin ‘family’”.

Ervin Ervin The World Standard for Quality
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